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At Sinopec Canada, the term “Contractor” refers to any organization, company or individual that performs services for, or provides goods to, Sinopec Canada or one of its Canadian affiliates.

Contractors play an important role in the continued success of Sinopec Canada’s projects and operations, and Sinopec Canada is committed to maintaining quality relationships with its Contractors. 

Rules of Work

To ensure that Sinopec Canada’s commitment to a culture of honesty, integrity and accountability is maintained, all Contractors are required to understand and adhere to the following policies and procedures when performing services for, or providing goods to, Sinopec Canada:

Additional applicable policies and procedures may be set out in the contract entered into by a Contractor with Sinopec Canada as appropriate and necessary.

Terms and Conditions

Unless otherwise specified in a Purchase Order, all Purchase Orders issued by Sinopec Canada are governed by the following terms and conditions:


Contractor Invoicing Standards and Invoice Submission Channels

1. Proper Invoices

All invoices must include the following information:

  • Contractor’s name and business address
  • The date of the invoice and the period during which the work was done or materials furnished
  • Identify the contract (including the Work Order or Purchase Order, if applicable), under which the work was done or materials furnished
  • A description of the work done or materials furnished
  • The amount requested for payment and the corresponding payment terms broken down for the work done or materials furnished
  • The name, title and contact information of the person to whom payment is to be sent
  • A statement indicating that the invoice provided is intended to constitute a proper invoice

Sinopec Canada also requires invoices to include the following specific information:

  • Sinopec Canada contact name (requestor’s name and email address)
  • Unique invoice number
  • Unique Well Identifier (UWI)
  • Cost Centre (CC) or AFE number
  • Account coding
  • Tax amount divided into categories as required (for example, GST, PST, HST)
  • Contractor’s GST registration number (if Contractor is a GST registrant)
  • Description and dollar amount (excluding tax) of each individual charge
  • Invoice currency
  • Applicable field tickets attached showing field stamp and authorized signature
  • Sinopec Canada Purchase Order or Contract (and Work Order) number, if applicable
  • Copies of the applicable Purchaser Order or Work Order, if applicable

Any Contractor invoices not meeting the criteria as outlined above may be subject to rejection or dispute.

2. SAP Ariba:

Sinopec Canada requires all invoices to be submitted through the SAP Ariba Network (“Ariba Network”).   

Please contact Sinopec Canada’s Supplier Enablement Team to have a Trading Relationship Request (“TRR”) sent for the Ariba Network. This will establish a trading relationship with Sinopec Canada and configure your account.

3. Alternative Form of Submission 

In the unlikely event that a Contractor cannot be enabled as part of the Ariba Network, invoices must be submitted via email or regular mail.

               A. Accounts Payable Inbox:

Invoices may be submitted in PDF format by email to

Invoices must be limited to one invoice per email, and each invoice must be accompanied by all relevant backup information in PDF format.

Note: Email communication is not completely secure. Invoices with credit card details or other confidential information should not be submitted by email.

               B. Regular Mail:

Invoices may be submitted in writing to:

Sinopec Canada Energy Ltd.
P.O. Box 77016
Calgary RPO Chinatown
Alberta, T2G 5J8

4. Invoice Inquiry Contact List

Questions regarding the preparation and/or submission of invoices may be directed to Sinopec Canada as follows:

Contractor Name Email Address Telephone
 #, A-L  587-952-3504
 M-Z  587-952-4826
 Supplier Enablement  403-266-6900